Charging Energy Hubs
The goal of the Human Capital agenda in this proposal is to increase and qualitatively strengthen the Human Capital supply available for the technical challenges in the rollout and integration into the energy system of charging infrastructure. To this end, the National Charging Infrastructure Agenda (NAL) envisions job growth of approximately 14,000 FTEs. This agenda also ties in with existing initiatives such as the Human Capital Agenda Charging Infrastructure Covenant signed by 12 parties, which will be implemented within the People Make the Transition (MMT) program. Whereas the Covenant looks on a more generic level at increasing labor supply, renewing training programs and reducing labor demand, the Human Capital Agenda goes deeper into specific elements surrounding Energy Hubs and the electrification of logistics. Thus, specific attention will be paid to skills and learning modules around distinctive themes such as high-power chargers, direct voltage, integration with battery-buffer systems, installation engineering, control and optimization of charging sessions.
This Human Capital agenda focuses on the following outcomes:
1. Core team for structural coordination: Organize collaboration and coordination between the charging infrastructure value chain and the education field, and analyze existing challenges for interventions.
2. Innovating educational pathways: Realizing flexible MBO, -HBO and -academic educational modules that are in line with the technical developments in the loading infrastructure sector and with the competencies required of technical loading infrastructure professionals. And contributing to the creation of an appropriate life-long-learning offer to strengthen sustainable training, the training of future technical professionals and the retention of incumbent technical professionals within the charging infrastructure sector. Including helping to realize and strengthen a Learning Community Platform and hybrid learning environments where companies from the charging infrastructure sector meet, collaborate and innovate and where teachers, students, and employees can engage in lifelong learning.
3. Increasing labor supply: Making available educational materials, internships, school visits and field trips, etc. to increase the influx of students/students into relevant technical training programs. Including programming to organize a talent pool through which trained young professionals (HBO/WO) become available the charging infrastructure sector.
4. Reducing labor demand: Initiating process change in loading infrastructure related education and industry - and the relationship between them - with the aim of reducing the loading infrastructure related labor demand.