Progress update Consortium Meeting RAAK PRO Sustainable Batteries

On September 12, 2024, the RAAK PRO Sustainable Batteries consortium convened to discuss the progress of the work packages. Led by Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the project focuses on developing practical methods to assess and determine the health and remaining lifespan of used batteries. This contributes to both national and European sustainability goals by enhancing the reusability of batteries in various applications.

Progress of Work Packages

The project is making significant progress on multiple fronts. Key steps have been taken in modeling and validating battery models, with a test bench expected to be operational for real-time data processing in the near future. This test bench will be crucial for the further development of battery models and for determining the state of health of batteries.

In addition, new technologies will be explored to collect accurate data for assessing the ‘State of Health’ (SoH) of batteries. Work is also being done on the development of a universal test bench that will allow for safe and efficient testing of various battery modules. This will not only improve safety but also expand opportunities for battery repair and refurbishing.

The project also focuses on predicting the ‘Remaining Useful Life’ (RUL) of batteries. These insights are crucial for determining whether batteries are suitable for reuse in applications such as construction. The commercial feasibility of second-life applications is also being explored to maximize the value extracted from used batteries.

Students as a Driving Force

A key component of the project is the active involvement of students, who are contributing to the development of Battery Management Systems (BMS) and battery models. Their work includes building and testing a modular test bench, testing a suitable open BMS, and evaluating software, which not only accelerates the progress of the project but also provides them with valuable hands-on experience in the automotive and sustainable energy sectors.

Progress of RAAK PRO Sustainable Batteries

The RAAK PRO Sustainable Batteries project has made significant progress in the development of battery models, testing setups, and second-life applications. By combining technical research with student involvement, the project is effectively working towards sustainable solutions for the battery sector. With these innovative steps, the project contributes to a future where battery reuse and recycling are central, an essential development for a circular and sustainable economy.